Optimizing SQL for the best Dynamics GP performance

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, October 15 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM CT

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Event Location

Location: 210A

Session Details

Title: Optimizing SQL for the best Dynamics GP performance

Session Description:

Optimizing SQL for the best Dynamics GP performance

Description: Learn how to find the missing Indexes, how to build and maintain the Indexes, and evaluating the new indexes to see the utilization and improvements to performance. We wil view the server resources for optimizing your SQL performance. We will analyze and tune long running queries and help prevent blocking issues. Great discussions will happen in this deep dive!



  • Dynamics GP

Type: Deep Dive

Primary Product: Dynamics GP

Primary Track: Data

Track: Administration; System Administration,Data,Development & Architecture

Learning Objective 1: Designing and Evaluating Indexes

Learning Objective 2: Tuning SQL Resources

Learning Objective 3: Analyze long running queries and blocking issues

Session Objective for Attendee: Optimizing



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