SQL: Useful Code Projects for Dynamics GP

Event Time

Thursday, October 17 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM CT

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Location: 206A

Session Details

Title: SQL: Useful Code Projects for Dynamics GP

Session Description:

What to learn some SQL code while gaining some useful code? You're at the right place! This session will walk through some SQL usage scenarios. Topics will include create unique views for reporting, automating maintenance and other jobs, and emailing reports with an HTML table embedded. Samples used during this project will be available to take and try in your own (Test First) environment.



  • Dynamics GP

Type: Breakout Session

Primary Product: Dynamics GP

Primary Track: Development & Architecture

Track: Data,Development & Architecture

Learning Objective 1: Learn specific SQL usages

Learning Objective 2: Gain useful code samples

Learning Objective 3: Increase your usage level of SQL for GP

Session Objective for Attendee: Optimizing



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