D365 FO MVP Panel - New Features, tips and tricks
Session Description:
I am submitting this session on behalf of all the FO MVP's that are planning to attend NA Summit. Last year, we had an MVP roundtable about upgrades and it was a great success.
The MVP's that are planning to attend NA Summit will be a part of this panel: Elif Item, Drew Lencsak, Kelly Gustafson, Alex Meyer, Aurelien Clere, Monsieur Winner, Nathan Clouse. I am not adding each MVP as a speaker as it requires me to add pictures and bio's. If the session is approved, we will update the speakers. More MVP's may be added as they get approval for travle to the event from their companies.
Session description:
Join the D365 FO MVP's to learn about hew features of D365 FO, tips, and tricks. This will be an interactive session with the audiance in which you will be bale to ask questions.
Primary Product:
Dynamics 365 F&O/AX
Primary Track:
Supply Chain
Commerce,Finance,Supply Chain
Learning Objective 1:
Learn about new features of FO from MVP panel
Learning Objective 2:
Learn some tips and tricks about FO
Learning Objective 3:
Ask any questions that you may have to the MVP FO panel
Session Objective for Attendee:
New To,Migrating