Academy - FO/AX: D365FO Administration & Developer Overview

Event Time

Sunday, October 13 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT

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Session Details

Title: Academy - FO/AX: D365FO Administration & Developer Overview

Session Description:

*** This course requires a separate registration from the Conference ***



In this session we will cover a wide range of administrative and developer topics within D365FO.

Topics we will cover will include:

  • User Setup - processes for creating users, modifying users, and terminating users
  • Security & Licensing - best practices for setting up security and how to report on user licensing
  • System Maintenance - what processes and tasks can be performed to ensure your system efficiency
  • Customizing D365FO user experience - customizing reports or creating user specific views
  • Custom development - how to effectively extend D365FO functionality or creating custom objects
  • Application Lifecycle Management - the best practices for maintaining custom code and security
  • How to Troubleshoot Issues - what steps can be done to find and troubleshoot errors

This session will be extremely interactive, with multiple live demos and chances to interact with and get feedback from other attendees. All attendees are encouraged to ask questions! At the end of the session, the goal is to make you feel confident in your abilities to administer and customize D365FO for your business.


Program Level: Intermediate

Delivery Method: Group Live

CPE Credits: 8

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of D365FO environment layout and how to access both the user interface as well as the development backend environment

Advance Preparation: Attendees will require a development instance of D365FO where they have SysAdmin access as well as access to the development environment backend (Visual Studio / AOT)


DCI is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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  • Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Type: Academy

Ability Level: 201 - Intermediate

Primary Product: Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Primary Track: Administration; System Administration

Track: Administration; System Administration,Development & Architecture

Learning Objective 1: Understand best practices for administering D365FO

Learning Objective 2: Know the options for creating custom and extending native D365FO functionality

Learning Objective 3: Be confident in setting up and configuring users and their necessary access within D365FO

Cost: 1000

Session Objective for Attendee: Optimizing

CPE Credits

  • CPE – 8 Units

  • Speakers


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