Looking to extend your Dynamics CE, Customer Service environment to F&SC? And build a slick member payment App, too?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, October 15 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM CT

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Event Location

Location: 213A

Session Details

Title: Looking to extend your Dynamics CE, Customer Service environment to F&SC? And build a slick member payment App, too?

Session Description:

Learn how Blackfoot Communications leveraged PowerApps to build a fully integrated system for tracking and issuing their co-op members’ distributions.  Leveraging Customer Service and PowerApps, Blackfoot Communications has integrated multiple databases including F&SC to streamline efficiency of processing thousands of transactions and seamlessly issuing member checks via F&SC.



  • Dynamics 365 CE/CRM
  • Power Platform

Type: Breakout Session

Ability Level: 101 - New To

Primary Product: Dynamics 365 CE/CRM

Primary Track: Field Service

Track: Customer Service,Field Service

Learning Objective 1: Learn how to leverage Customer Service for more than just support

Learning Objective 2: See how leveraging integrations with third party systems and F&SC can increase efficiency

Learning Objective 3: Showcase Blackfoot’s Capital Credits Management App

Session Objective for Attendee: Considering,New To



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