Looking to extend your Dynamics CE, Customer Service environment to F&SC? And build a slick member payment App, too?
Session Description:
Learn how Blackfoot Communications leveraged PowerApps to build a fully integrated system for tracking and issuing their co-op members’ distributions. Leveraging Customer Service and PowerApps, Blackfoot Communications has integrated multiple databases including F&SC to streamline efficiency of processing thousands of transactions and seamlessly issuing member checks via F&SC.
Dynamics 365 CE/CRM
Power Platform
Breakout Session
Ability Level:
101 - New To
Primary Product:
Dynamics 365 CE/CRM
Primary Track:
Field Service
Customer Service,Field Service
Learning Objective 1:
Learn how to leverage Customer Service for more than just support
Learning Objective 2:
See how leveraging integrations with third party systems and F&SC can increase efficiency
Learning Objective 3:
Showcase Blackfoot’s Capital Credits Management App
Session Objective for Attendee:
Considering,New To