Multiple Projects on D365FO Onebox Using Git

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, October 15 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM CT

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Event Location

Location: 304B

Session Details

Title: Multiple Projects on D365FO Onebox Using Git

Session Description:

Choosing the right version control for D365FO customizations and development makes the life of any team easier. In this session, we will discuss how Git compares to TFVC, branching capabilities and strategies, and demonstrate in action how to use Git with multiple projects in a single D365FO development environment.



  • Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Type: Deep Dive

Ability Level: 201 - Intermediate

Primary Product: Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Primary Track: Development & Architecture

Track: Automation,Development & Architecture,Operations

Learning Objective 1: Understand Git vs. TFVC in D365FO ALM: Git's distributed model enhances branch management and merge strategies for agile development.

Learning Objective 2: Learn to implement Git branching strategies specifically tailored for D365FO projects, optimizing code integration and release cycles.

Learning Objective 3: Master setting up and managing DevOps, Git and Build pipelines.

Session Objective for Attendee: New To,Optimizing



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