Academy - FO/AX: WMS 101 for Dynamics 365 SCM (AX)- Advanced Warehousing in a Day

Event Time

Sunday, October 13 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT

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Session Details

Title: Academy - FO/AX: WMS 101 for Dynamics 365 SCM (AX)- Advanced Warehousing in a Day

Session Description:

*** This course requires a separate registration from the Conference ***


In this academy session, participants will get the chance to set up their own Advanced Warehouse and process transactions in that warehouse all in one day. We'll create our own Warehouse and Locations, then set up and process Inbound, Outbound, and Inventory management functions using our configurations. This session would be most beneficial to those who have familiarity with D365 F&O, Sales orders and Purchase orders, and inventory concepts, but little to no experience with setting up or administrating Advanced Warehousing as this will be a bottom-up introduction. While we won't get into much of the latest and greatest or new features, participants will leave this session with the ability to set up basic Advanced Warehousing for any company.

Concepts and configurations covered:
Warehouse settings, Item settings, Reservations, Reservation hierarchy, License plates, Location profiles, Unit sequence groups, Shipments and Loads, Location directives, Wave templates, Work templates, Warehouse workers, Mobile device, Release to warehouse


Program Level: Intermediate

Delivery Method: Group Live

CPE Credits: 8

Prerequisites: Be familiar with how to create basic sales orders and purchase orders.

Advance Preparation: Download the Warehouse mobile app prior to the class- we can configure it together in class.


DCI is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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  • Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Type: Academy

Ability Level: 201 - Intermediate

Primary Product: Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Primary Track: Supply Chain

Track: Supply Chain

Learning Objective 1: Advanced Warehousing Concepts

Learning Objective 2: Advanced Warehousing Configurations

Learning Objective 3: Processing Advanced Warehousing Transactions

Cost: 1000

Session Objective for Attendee: New To,Optimizing

CPE Credits

  • CPE – 8 Units

  • Speakers


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