Rebel Alliance vs. Empire: A Security Customization Showdown with Code and Configuration

Event Time

Wednesday, October 16 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM CT

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Event Location

Location: 303A

Session Details

Title: Rebel Alliance vs. Empire: A Security Customization Showdown with Code and Configuration

Session Description:

In a galaxy far, far away, two sides fight for control: the Rebel Alliance and the Empire. But what if this battle was fought not with lightsabers and blasters, but with code and configuration? In this session, we'll explore the parallels between the Star Wars universe and the world of security customization, as we pit the Rebel Alliance against the Empire in a showdown of code and configuration prowess.

We'll begin by examining the security challenges faced by both sides, from the Empire's centralized control and standardized approach to the Rebel Alliance's decentralized and more flexible approach. Then, we'll dive into the details of how each side customizes their security measures, looking at the code and configuration choices they make and the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

Through interactive examples and case studies, we'll demonstrate the practical implications of choosing code versus configuration for security customization.

Whether you're a Rebel Alliance sympathizer or an Empire loyalist, you'll come away from this session with a deeper understanding of how code and configuration can be used to customize your security strategy and win the battle against cyber threats.




  • Recorded for On-Demand


  • Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Type: Breakout Session

Ability Level: 201 - Intermediate

Primary Product: Dynamics 365 F&O/AX

Primary Track: Security

Track: Security

Learning Objective 1: Gain an understanding of the security challenges and considerations

Learning Objective 2: Explore the benefits and drawbacks of using code versus configuration to customize security measures, including scalability, flexibility

Learning Objective 3: examine real-world applications of code and configuration in security customization

Session Objective for Attendee: New To,Optimizing



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