Defeating CRM Adoption Challenges 2024

Event Time

Tuesday, October 15 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM CT

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Event Location

Location: 211

Session Details

Title: Defeating CRM Adoption Challenges 2024

Session Description:

Why do stakeholders still say that, despite improvements in technology implementation and project delivery efficiency, "CRM projects fail 60% of the time"? The answer is in the most crucial element of adopting CRM (or any other technology): expectations. Expectations about how technology delivers success, effectiveness, and even enjoyment. In this session, you will have an opportunity to evaluate how you are managing expectations with the various stakeholders who define and set expectations for the use of customer relationship management (CRM) processes and solutions, including AI and conversation intelligence. You will also get practicle guidance for using a human-centered design thinking approach to designing, managing, and negotiating expectations for using CRM and supporting applications (like Co-Pilot).



  • Dynamics 365 CE/CRM

Type: Deep Dive

Primary Product: Dynamics 365 CE/CRM

Primary Track: Training and User Adoption

Track: Training and User Adoption

Learning Objective 1: Learn how to design an expectations management framework that prevents costly project derailment.

Learning Objective 2: Learn how to design a plan that sets current and future success expectations with key stakeholders.

Learning Objective 3: Learn a more efficient approach for expectations management that allows business objectives to align with technology and innovation.

Session Objective for Attendee: New To



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