*** This course requires a separate registration from the Conference ***
When a report needs to be PDFed or printed, Power BI (Paginated) Report Builder is simply the right tool for the job. Yet—as anyone who has used Power BI Report Builder will tell you—creating a paginated report can be deceptively difficult. While this essential reporting tool employs logic that often aligns with its predecessors, Power BI Desktop and SQL Server Reporting Services, Power BI paginated reporting logic sometimes differs in ways that can be baffling for those familiar with either.
Each section of this daylong paginated reporting deep dive will follow a “concept, demo, practice” format; attendees will first learn key paginated reporting concepts, then see them in action through a demo, and will complete the section by directly applying what they’ve learned through a hands-on activity. While this session will address common paginated reporting challenges, equal emphasis will be given to why certain elements of paginated reporting logic behave unexpectedly in the first place.
Highlights of the Power BI Paginated Reports Crash Course agenda include:
- How to choose the right reporting tool and data source for your use case
- Understanding how paginated report (.rdl) logic differs from “standard” Power BI report (.pbix) logic
- Creating common paginated reports using data regions and graphs - Leveraging expressions within your paginated report
- Demystifying paginated reporting groups
- Parameters in depth
- Tackling more complex report requests
- Paginated report formatting and printing
- Paginated report administration within the Power BI Service
To ensure that this session is as relevant as possible to attendees, some activities and examples will be driven by attendee input. Session participants are highly encouraged to share their own paginated reporting challenges with the presenter least two weeks prior to this session, so they may be incorporated into “how to demos” and/or exercises where appropriate.
Program Level: Beginner
Delivery Method: Group Live
CPE Credits: 8
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: To participate in this session’s hands-on exercises, all attendees should come equipped with both Power BI Report Builder and Power BI Desktop already downloaded to their laptops
DCI is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
By submitting your registration, you are confirming you have read and agree to Dynamic Communities’ Policy, regarding registration, refunds, and cancellations. For more information regarding refund, complaint, and/or program cancellation policies, please contact us at summitna@dynamiccommunities.com.