Manufacturing - Roundtable for Your Challenges

Event Time

Wednesday, October 16 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM CT

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Event Location

Location: 221B

Session Details

Title: Manufacturing - Roundtable for Your Challenges

Session Description:

Bring your manufacturing challenges to share with your peers. This will be a great opportunity to get take advantage of the collective experiences of the BC community. There are lot of perspectives available and your challenge may benefit from this additional vantage points. 



  • Business Central/NAV

Type: Panel/Roundtable

Primary Product: Business Central/NAV

Primary Track: Manufacturing

Track: Manufacturing

Learning Objective 1: Learn from your peers and how they have tackled similar issues

Learning Objective 2: Share your experiences with others

Learning Objective 3: Share your suggestions with Microsoft to improve BC

Session Objective for Attendee: Optimizing



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