Jobs vs. Service - What's the Difference?

Event Time

Thursday, October 17 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM CT

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Event Location

Location: 221C

Session Details

Title: Jobs vs. Service - What's the Difference?

Session Description:

Jobs or Service, which capability within D365 Business Central best suits your business?  Let's find out!  This session is a comparison of the Jobs and Service functionalities within Business Central.  Whether you're new to Business Central or expanding your use of the environment, this is a great session for you!  The session will kick-off with a high-level overview of the designed application of each module.  We will then breakdown the structure of each module and how data is processed.  Finally, we'll review the pros and cons of each to help determine which is the best fit.  I want all my sessions to be interactive, so questions are encouraged throughout.  I will also leave time at the end for Q&A.



  • Recorded for On-Demand


  • Business Central/NAV

Type: Breakout Session

Ability Level: 201 - Intermediate

Primary Product: Business Central/NAV

Primary Track: Field Service

Track: Field Service,Operations,Project Accounting

Learning Objective 1: Understand the difference between Jobs and Service withing Business Central

Learning Objective 2: Understand how to start working in the functionality that best suits the business

Session Objective for Attendee: New To,Optimizing



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