The Customer Buying Journey: The Impact of VARs and ISVs on Decision-Making
Session Description:
The customer-buyer journey has changed significantly in recent years, with buyers now over 55% of the way into their decision before engaging with a solution provider!
Attending this session will give customers, VARs, and ISVs insights into customer challenges, preferences, and evolving market trends.
You will learn:
Trusted relationships between ISV and VAR
Discuss what drives a VAR to recommend a solution
The Pros & Cons of the recommendations from your VAR
What are the benefits of the various marketplaces?
How can conferences benefit the customer selection process?
Looking for an engaging discussion about add-on solutions between customers, VARs, and ISVs, then this session is the place for you.
All User Groups
Breakout Session
Ability Level:
201 - Intermediate
Primary Product:
All User Groups
Primary Track:
Leadership,Sales,Training and User Adoption
Learning Objective 1:
The Impact of VARs and ISVs on Decision-Making
Learning Objective 2:
How customers make the decision when it comes to the selection process for an add-on solution
Learning Objective 3:
This session will be engaging discussion between customers, VARs, and ISVs about about add-on solutions