How to utilize new features in Copilot Studio and use it across?MS?ecosystem

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, October 16 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM CT

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Location: 212B

Session Details

Title: How to utilize new features in Copilot Studio and use it across?MS?ecosystem

Session Description:

Discover the ins and outs of effectively utilizing the latest features in Copilot Studio and seamlessly integrating it into the Microsoft ecosystem. I'll guide you through examples and step-by-step instructions on leveraging the enhanced functionalities of Copilot Studio and how to improve your day-to-day activities in MS Teams, Power Apps, and Dynamics 365.



  • Microsoft Copilot

Type: Breakout Session

Ability Level: 101 - New To

Primary Product: Microsoft Copilot

Primary Track: Inventory

Track: Artificial Intelligence (AI),Automation,Integration

Learning Objective 1: Copilot Studio and new features

Learning Objective 2: Copilot studio and tigration trogh M365

Learning Objective 3: Copilot Studio and D365 and Power Platfrom Integration

Session Objective for Attendee: New To



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